Monday, November 18, 2024

Avaya Auditorium (POB 2.302)

Peter O'Donnell Building Rm 2.302

201 E 24th Street, Austin TX 78712

8:00am - 8:30am - Registration, refreshments

8:30am – 8:40am – Opening remarks: Tom Yankeelov

8:40am - 9:00am – Breakout session (Introduction, area of expertise/interest)

9:00am - 10:00am – Year 4 projects, Moderator: Yamin Arefeen (JCCO trainee)

  1. Project 1
    Investigators: Ed Castillo (Oden Institute), Olena Weaver (MD Anderson)

  2. Project 2
    Investigators: David Hormuth (Oden Institute), Behrang Amini (MD Anderson)

  3. Project 3
    Investigators: Tom Hughes (Oden Institute), Aradhana Venkatesan (MD Anderson)

  4. Project 4
    Investigators: Umberto Villa (Oden Institute), Mark Pagel (formerly of MD Anderson)

10:00am - 10:15am – Break

10:15am - 10:45am – Keynote: Guillermo Lorenzo (Oden Insitute and University of A Coruña)

10:45am – 11:45am – Year 5 projects, Moderator: Bikash Panthi, MDACC trainee

  1. Project 1
    Investigators: TBD (Oden), TBD (MD Anderson)

  2. Project 2
    Investigators: TBD (Oden), TBD (MD Anderson)

  3. Project 3
    Investigators: TBD (Oden), TBD (MD Anderson)

  4. Project 4
    Investigators: TBD (Oden), TBD (MD Anderson)

11:45am - 12:45pm – Lunch

12:45pm – 1:55pm – “World Cafe”:

  1. Topic 1: “Low hanging fruit” for digital twins in oncology (Moderated by Yamin Arefeen (Oden Institute) and Guillermo Lorenzo (Oden Institute))

  2. Topic 2: Making digital twins practical for clinical oncology (Moderated by Bikash Panthi (MDACC) and David Hormuth (Oden Institute))

  3. Topic 3: Balancing efficacy and toxicity via digital twins (Moderated by Ernesto Lima (Oden Institute) and Chengyue Wu (MDACC))

1:55pm - 2:00pm – Closing remarks John Hazle

2:00pm – 3:00pm – Executive committee break-out session